In EXIT I try to convey with smalti a familiar image created in a vastly different medium, like this LED lit exit sign. I like the challenge of the translation. While visiting the Boston Museum of Fine Arts last winter, the reflection of an exit sign on an partially open, glass door caught my eye and I snapped a photo of it. In my mosaic, I like how the garish green and shiny black smalti do justice to the LED illuminated sign. The plain, painted background isolates its location. I also like how this simple sign, when backward, poses questions like, "Which way am I supposed to go?" and "Exit to Where?" We generally expect signs to tell us what to do and where to go, but what happens when those signs are confusing? Above all this piece is meant to tease and amuse the viewer.
2-D Mosaic
10 x 10.25 x 1.5